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MOSIP Country Conversations 2023
Summary of Events
20 MAR 2023

  • MOSIP Country Conversations, held on 13th and 14th March, 2023, was envisioned as a forum to MOSIP-adopting countries to share learnings and feedback with the MOSIP team and fellow country partners. In addition, the 2-day event allowed for exchange of  knowledge and lessons with other advisors and stakeholders; and discussions on MOSIP’s roadmap for the future.


The first day of MOSIP Country Conversations was attended by MOSIP-adopting countries and advisors of the project.

Five MOSIP-adopting countries presented their experiences with the platform – including the current status of their ID systems, learnings that might be useful to other countries, and recommendations for the MOSIP team.

These presentations highlighted the need for local, internal capacity-building, with a focus on change-management and reduced dependency on System Integrators. Attention was called to the complexities of migrating existing data to MOSIP, and the importance of pilot programmes as a tool to understand and articulate country-specific requirements was discussed.

In the latter half of the day, the MOSIP team took to the stage to talk about the platform’s current status and development. The latest version of MOSIP, Long-Term Support (LTS) 1.2.0, Asymmetric Amoeba, enables the usage of features like mobile-based authentication (Inji), single-sign-on for service delivery (e-Signet), and G2P service delivery management (OpenG2P). These integrations were briefly introduced, with extensive demos conducted the next day.

MOSIP’s medium-term roadmap elicited several questions from the audience, with a clear focus on the concrete uses of digital ID.

  • Can ID be an identifier for payments?
  • How can countries access reference integrations and implementations of use cases?

The assembly concluded Day 1 by discussing points of action for a community of MOSIP-adopting countries, including:

  • Definition of common standards
  • Biometric benchmarking to improve accuracy, in the context of the developing world
  • Formation of sub-groups to share learnings more frequently, with the possibility of a common platform on the MOSIP website.


The second day of MOSIP Country Conversations saw delegates from MOSIP-adopting countries, other countries, and observers from affiliated industries coming together to discuss the various use cases of digital ID.

Prof. S. Rajagopalan, President of MOSIP, began by introducing the Modular Open Source Identity Platform and its features to new participants.  This was followed by more countries presenting their perspectives on leveraging digital ID systems for equitable service delivery and inclusion.

In the context of these growing requirements for putting ID to use, the team explained MOSIP’s technical infrastructure for citizen services, and the platform’s ability to facilitate authentication and KYC processes, partner management, and mobile ID.

MOSIP’s product managers presented detailed demonstrations of Inji – our digital wallet for mobile ID authentication, e-Signet – a secure IdP solution to help easy authentication, and the Compliance Tool Kit, to help partners comply with MOSIP’s Biometric standards. OpenG2P, an open-source benefits delivery platform, was introduced to the assembled guests. The event saw active participation from the audience, with conversations on enabling service delivery across public and private sectors, fostering trust in ID, cross-border use cases, and social protection.

Prof. Rajagopalan summarised the sessions, with a focus on action points for countries and the MOSIP team. On the platform’s behalf, he proposed:

  • Provision of translated MOSIP content in multiple languages
  • Organisation of regular webinars for MOSIP Field Stories
  • Creation of a web portal for MOSIP-adopting countries to share their experiences and learnings.

MOSIP Country Conversations 2023 closed with a visit to the MOSIP Experience Centre in the International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore, where our team showcased the platform’s core modules, features, and integrations.

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