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On International Identity Day, MOSIP spotlights the importance of digital ID
MOSIP joins over 120 Coalition Partners to celebrate 16th September as ID Day
16 SEP 2022

Identity matters. Having proof of one’s legal existence is a fundamental gateway to improving inclusion, protection, and empowerment.

According to the World Bank, over 1 billion people in the world had no proof of identity as of 2017. A lack of unique and useful ID hinders an individual’s ability to exercise their fundamental rights and responsibilities.

This ID Day campaign is an ongoing movement to urge governments and organisations all over the world to officially recognise 16th September as Identity Day, in an effort to raise awareness, and facilitate change, on the importance of identity. 

The chosen date is highly symbolic – it commemorates the UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.9, which aims to provide legal identity, including birth registration, to all citizens by 2030. This target is one aspect of a larger goal, to “promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.

Launched in 2018 by ID4Africa, the campaign has been met with considerable success. Over 120 international organisations – including MOSIP – have joined ID4Africa as Coalition Partners. Providing individuals with legal ID acts as the gateway to social and economic inclusion, enabling access to essential services such as healthcare, education, financial aid, and the right to vote.

MOSIP is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s campaign, as Coalition Partners. In this short film, we hear from members of the MOSIP team, and special guests Yodahe Zemichael and Rene Mendoza to look at some significant milestones reached in the collective effort towards providing digital ID systems in their countries.  

MOSIP joins over 120 Coalition Partners of the ID-Day Campaign to push for official recognition of 16th September as International Identity Day.

Join us in celebrating Identity Day to further awareness on the importance of identity and encourage positive action towards the provision of legal identity to all.

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