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The Government of Madagascar signs an MoU for a MOSIP pilot programme
Another milestone for MOSIP in Africa
04 NOV 2022

In September 2022, the Ministere Du Developpement Numerique, De La Transformation Digitale, Des Postes Et Des Telecommunications De Madagascar (henceforth referred to as MNDPT) entered into an MoU with MOSIP, to launch a pilot for a national digital ID system in Madagascar.

MOSIP and IIITB will assist MNDPT through the process of conceiving, developing, installing, and maintaining the pilot ID system. As defined by the MoU, MOSIP will provide code and documentation, technical expertise, and support to the team in Madagascar. The pilot aims to complete 1000 enrolments, the outcomes of which will provide a technical, policy, and implementation blueprint for a possible national-scale programme.

This partnership will also involve capacity-building for local personnel, and technical support during deployment, integration, and customisation of the pilot programme. MOSIP hopes to facilitate Madagascar’s adoption and integration of a safe, inclusive, empowering ID platform.

The Minister of Développement Numérique, De La Transformation Digitale, Des Postes et Des Télécommunications (MNDPT) of Madagascar has declared:

“As part of the modernisation of Madagascar, which is a fundamental aspect of the vision of the Presidency, the establishment of a unique identification system as well as the authentication of all natural people in the territory are the fundamentals of the system. My ministry has decided to collaborate through a proof of concept (POC) to help us set up a reliable and efficient identity management platform. This platform should allow us to obtain and update identity data with the main purpose of facilitating access to the public service. Indeed, with regard the establishment of a digital service, the appropriation of technology through national identification represents an essential element of infrastructure."

"We hope that the benefit of Madagascar’s collaboration with MOSIP will be two-way, the Big Island will also enrich the MOSIP platform and its international base.”

Speaking on behalf of IIIT-Bangalore and MOSIP, Prof. S. Rajagopalan said:

“We are pleased to have welcomed Madagascar into the MOSIP country ecosystem. This pilot is an opportunity for all involved parties to gather significant learnings, ensuring that any programme we initiate together will be implemented with the best of methods and technology. We look forward to an exciting journey ahead, and are confident that the experience will ensure efficient and effective plans for future expansion of the project.”

MOSIP, IIITB, and our partners in Madagascar are confident that this pilot programme will pave the way for the emergence of a robust ecosystem of digital governance. 


MOSIP (Modular Open-Source Identification Platform) was incubated at IIIT-Bangalore as a global digital public good. The platform’s modular architecture, easy configuration, and customization abilities, enables countries the flexibility to build their foundational digital ID systems in a cost-effective manner.   

MOSIP was built on a strong bedrock of principles for security and privacy. The use of open standards and open-source code ensures that MOSIP is agnostic to specific applications, programming languages, and platforms, and actively works towards avoiding vendor lock-in.  

Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates’ Foundation, Tata Trust, Omidyar Networks, NORAD, and Pratiksha Trust, the platform is being adopted by the Philippines, Morocco, and Togo, and piloted in Sri Lanka, Ethiopia and Guinea.

About IIIT-Bangalore

IIIT-Bangalore is a premier educational institute, located in the heart of Electronic City, Bangalore, India. Focused on Post-Graduate IT education and research, it contains state-of-the-art infrastructure, world-class faculty, a vibrant alumni community, cutting-edge research facilities, and close industry collaborations.   

The institute’s specially-designed courses ensure that students are cognizant of current technologies and practices, thereby equipping them with the tools and knowledge to solve real-world, contemporary problems. Since the founding of the institute in 1999, IIITB has enjoyed 100% placement every year, on account of the strong support of the industry and the growing base of talented alumni.

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